Chris digs into some example code for the new JSON features that just launched with Postgres 16 last week. A new check for finding json objects and some new object and array functions.
Chris has some sample code for synching data from Postgres to MongoDB using Foreign Data Wrappers and Triggers.
To continue to provide developers with the best Postgres experience, Crunchy Bridge now offers easy connectivity between managed Postgres and MongoDB.
JSON in Postgres is now 10 years old. Chris recently published a JSON tutorial and offers some thoughts on the past and future of JSON, and what developers need to be aware of.
PostgreSQL has built-in JSON generators that can be used to create structured JSON output right in the database, upping performance and radically simplifying web tiers.
A feature highlight of the new JSON subscript support within PostgreSQL 14.
Learn how to use PostgreSQL for all your JSON needs plus free learning resources.
COPY is also incredibly helpful for ingesting data such as JSON or CSV into a PostgreSQL table, especially if there is a lot of it. Learn how to use COPY to optimize your data loading performance in PostgreSQL.